So, its been on your mind to get a family shoot done, but it keeps getting deprioritized in the businessness of family life. I totally understand! But there are a few year years not to miss, and here they are!
Newborn : 0-7 days old
Newborn photography is amazingly special, so squishy and delicious. From the moment they enter the world each day and each moments are magic and your phone will be filled to the brim with gorgeous snaps. As the baby nears 7 days they start to wake to the world and that 'easy', always sleeping baby will begin to be aware of her surroundings and those amazing sleepy poses will become near impossible to create and capture.
Pottsville, NSW
Toddler : 9 months to just walking
This is a favorite of mine. The babies are all smiling and all happy and not sprinting away. It is an amazing time to get the baby before they start to stretch out into the toddler phase. And lets be honest we can get them to do well, pretty much what we ask.
Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW
Preschooler : 2ish to 3ish
Once they have stopped running away and finally responds to instructions, its time! I have a young child so I understand this is a sometime, not all the time thing. But at this age they will listen to my silly instructions, play with my props and PLAY is ON! This is the age I like to let the children lead. I ask parents to step back and play with their children not worrying about the camera, this is where the magic happens.
Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW
Big Kid : Age 4-6
From 4 I love to capture their curiosity and the last little bits of chubby cheeks. Game playing is a high priority and I keep all of them up my sleeve. This is the age you can still get genuine smiles without too many cheeky faces. I love how they are now able to have longer periods of engagement and eye contact as long as I hold their attention!
Tintenbar, NSW
Missing Teeth : Around 7
What a special moment in each of our lives which will never be repeated, this is a one time opportunity. The 2 front missing teeth and the emotional transition into Young Adulthood should be captured and cherished. They still hang on my mothers wall today!
Lennox Head, NSW
Young Adults : 9-12
Self assured and mostly pleased to follow instructions from a stranger photographer, for a limited time. They are on the verge of adulthood and puberty so child games are so uncool, but challenges and races are where it is at. It is the pre pubescence I like to bring out. While girls can be on their way to be ladies boys seem to test the boundaries and are all about action! I love a challenge and this age group is right up my alley.
Bangalow, NSW
As my boy can attest to, photos for me are critical at every age. But in terms of investing in a family shoot with the goal of creating beautiful wall art for the home, these are my favorite ages to preserve. We all say time flies, so be sure to capture to recall how precious, sweet, and amazing the short young years were.